Stewed STL is a new podcast in St. Louis about food. It's the creation of 4 of my favorite foochebags, Andrew Mark Veety (Andrew Mark Veety .com), Kelli Best Oliver (South City Confidential, Food Blog Mafia), Bill Burge (STL Bites) and Mike Sweeney (STL Hops). It's basically these 4 opinionated and interesting people drinking and talking about what's going on in the local and national food scenes. They also have guests... local chef's, food writers, etc.
When they first asked me to design a logo for them, I really wasn't sure what Stewed STL was all about... up until then there had only been some teaser tweets. So in e-mail exchanges I got some more info from them... here are some of my favorite descriptions from them that I used when designing:
"Talkin' truth to food. Hardcore knowledge. Bitch slappin' idiots. Drinking beer. Hanging out with cooks and other food people. Lots of bullshittery. Epic shitstorm."
"For better or worse I kind of think of Stewed as a retarded cross between Charlie Rose and "Sports Shouting" from 30 Rock"
"fun, yet serious. Not "kiddie" but still maybe not taking itself totally serious."
These people are hilarious. But serious about food. When coming up with logo design options, I tried to convey a revolutionary, guerrilla kind of feel, but still keep it fun and new. The clenched fist is iconic... a great way to instantly make people think "revolution." It ended up in 2 of my final designs. Kitchen utensils were an obvious choice, too, though I used a beer mug in one because one of the big components of the show is booze. Here are the 3 options I ended up with for them to choose from:

They picked #2 unanimously. Is that what you would have gone with? I think it suits Stewed the best. Yes, the "grunge" is overplayed in design, but it is appropriate in this case... think graffiti artists... people with talent who have a message to get out there... that's Stewed STL in a nutshell! However they wanted to change out the beer mug to something more food related. I gave them 4 utensils to choose from.

Do you think they made the right choice with the fork? I think so. You use forks for both cooking AND eating... Stewed is not just a cooking show and not just a show about restaurants... they talk about it all. Boom. Fork.

This was a fun project with some very smart and talented friends. I'm glad they chose me to do the design. Enough about me... go listen to Stewed STL!
Previous design posts:
Gubenthal CD
Yellowtree Farm logo
So Much Closer CD
My design portfolio
Thanks again for the great logo stef. Its rad.
ReplyDeleteI totally would have chose the "fork finger." Brilliant, Steph.