Sunday, April 17, 2011

thrift storror

One of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is to go to antique malls and wander the aisles. I don't necessarily go for the valuable, pretty antiques. The fun thing about antique malls and thrift stores is that you never know what you're going to see. Whimsical, retro, silly, junky.... and lots of CREEPY. Here are some of the more nightmare-inducing sights I have seen from my last few trips to antique malls...

Dolls are often scary. homemade dolls even more so.

Alligator purse. I thought the marble eyes were creepy.... then I opened it up and saw that it was made from an actual alligator... like, the whole thing, legs, arms, tail, CLAWS. Yeek.

Little girls and guns. The first is a painting. The second picture required no staging by me. That's exactly how I found them.


Acrobatic monkey. He's got Skis for hands. Holy shit.

Old surgical equipment. God I love technology. And drugs.

Jolly elf? Doesn't make me feel too jolly.

Blue eyes. BLUE EYES.

I'm sure the model was much prettier...

Painted with love?

Ghost dog.

Someone roofied her and replaced her hands with mops. Merry Christmas!

Babies, un-cutesified.

Sailor on the Sea of Bad Dreams.

Suffocating doughboy.

Suffocating clown.

Suffocating angel.

Suffocating frog.


Not funny.

Nuthead. jesus.

There is no shortage of scary dollies. it's the eyes.

Quick, everybody check your chimneys for creepers!

A baby and a bunny should should not terrify me.

I saved the scariest for last.