Quintron & Miss Pussycat

I wasn't sure what to expect when my friend invited me to this show. She said there were puppets involved? and electronic music? Then the opening band came on and I got worried. The guitarist's wiener was hanging out of his short shorts, and the lead mumbler was dressed as a mustard bottle... turns out there was nothing under that costume either. So much wiener, so little enjoyable music. But, Quintron did not disappoint. Amazing show.
Miss Pussycat's puppet show was charming, funny, and weird. It revolved around an elephant and a tiger making "Magic Pizza" which is illegal, apparently. After the puppet show, Quintron played super-fun crazy dance music with his keyboard/drum machine set up while Miss Pussycat (yes, they are married), played the maracas (which matched her dress!) and sang. The crown, including me, loved them. Sweaty, silly fun. Here's a good review of this particular show. And check out my pal Bryan Sutter's photos from the show. Bryan is the house photog for the Firebird, and his shots are always impressive.
Peter Wolf Crier

Peter Wolf Crier are two guys that opened up for the Freelance Whales. As an opening band, they blew the crowd away, and became the talk of the evening. I thought they were adorable, and they sounded so rich and loud for just being 2 dudes.
Check out my favorite new local blog, I Went To A Show, and my friend Julie's review of the Freelance Whales/Peter Wolf Crier Show. And from that same blog, a great piece by Dave on how much St. Louis ROCKS in terms of live music audiences lately. He touches on Peter Wolf Crier as an example.

Freelance Whales: Also awesome.

Another shot of Freelance Whales.
Mumford & Sons

Months ago my friend April, the same gal who invited me to the Quintron show, sent me info about Mumford & Sons, saying she had just discovered them and was smitten, and thought I might like to go to the show. She's got great taste, so I was in. Plus? One of the band members has a food blog! How could I not love them? Luckily, we got tickets in advance, because a couple weeks before the show, it SOLD OUT! I was not expecting that, but apparently lots of people have discovered Mumford & Sons great music.
The show was awe-inspiring. Lead singer Marcus Mumford has a certain moody intensity that makes me drool a little. The songs are like roller-coasters... quiet then raucous. The audience could not get enough. Here's my friend Jess's review for IWTAS, and here's another really good review from the Riverfront Times.